You have the ability to be positive or negative it’s all up to you. A diminished self-confidence is learned. Learning to be self-critical or develop a negative self-view is taught. Most critical self-talk is learned through negative experiences or social interactions. You learn how to criticize yourself when you hear others do it and internalize it creating a poor self-image. WHAT TO KNOW HOW TO CHANGE YOUR NEGATIVE THINKING?? PICK YOUR POISON CONFIDENCE HAS ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHT PATTERNS AND HELP YOU FIND YOUR WAY TO A BETTER LIFE!! BUY YOUR COPY ON AMAZON OR ON THE SERVICES PAGE OF THE WEBSITE!
AuthorDanielle Putnam is from Colorado received her B.A. from Texas Tech University and M.A. from Pepperdine University both degrees in Psychology. She has owned and operated a private practice for over 10 years and is the author of Pick Your Poison Confidence. ArchivesCategories
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