DESCRIPTION $19.95 We are all made up of energy and energy never disappears it only changes into something else. You might not get to rewrite your history but you can change your future. Instead of believing that negative (dark thoughts) are something evil learn to use the energy behind them to empower yourself into a different life. We all have dark thoughts so stop trying to push them away and turn them into positive energy use them to your advantage. I know this may come as a shock, but dark thoughts have powerful energy, if used correctly. Do you want your past to make you a victim or a legend? Create balance between positive and negative learn how to control them for your benefit and there is nothing to push away. Perfect freedom to go after and get whatever you want without the distraction of fearing the negative (poisonous thoughts) We are about to build your confidence by allowing you to be human, using (poison and positivity) allowing you to be your true self no apologies necessary.
Are you ready to use the power of poison? Your past does not define you it helps to create who you want to be now!