Prior to starting email, phone, in-person consulting with DCP Productions LLC,Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates you acknowledge that you have read these terms and conditions and thereby been informed about what is involved. By choosing to participate in any service provided by DCP Productions LLC, Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates and signing off that you have read these terms and conditions, your consent is assumed. You can stop the process at any time because you pay for one session at a time. It is also assumed that you are acting honestly and representing yourself accurately.
In-person sessions are available in Parker, CO. by participating in sessions over the internet with Danielle Putnam M.A. is as if you are participating in a therapy session with Danielle Putnam M.A. in an office in the jurisdiction of Colorado.
Tele-consulting: Is the use of electronic media and information technologies to provide services for participants in different locations Used by skilled professionals to address a variety of individual, familial, and social issues. Tele-consulting can (1) include a range of services, (2) provide more accessible modes of treatment than the traditional ones, (3) help people access treatment services who traditionally would not seek services because of barriers related to geography, shame and guilt, stigma, or other issues; and (4) provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional therapy when no evidence of major mental health disorders are present.
Mental Health Issues. The services DCP Productions LLC, Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates provides is not suitable for you if you currently suffer symptoms of a serious mental health disorder such as schizophrenia, manic-depression, PTSD or dissociation. These disorders require local face-to-face mental health assessment and treatment. DCP Productions LLC, Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates will not provide assessment, diagnosis or treatment of serious psychiatric conditions. DCP Productions LLC, Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates will not address any issues related to medication.
Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates will NOT be held liable for any individual who misleads anyone employed by Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates resulting in any emotional damage done to a client because of dishonestly about their situation.
This site is not able to respond to crises such as child protection, trauma, domestic violence or sexual assault. This site is unable to respond to your needs if you feel suicidal or homicidal. In situations where trauma has occurred, a full mental health assessment or intensive therapy is needed. If you feel distress to the point of harming yourself or others, you need to tell someone right away. Contact your local crisis line, family doctor, or hospital emergency department immediately. Age. You are required to confirm during registration for any service provided by Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates as well as any purchase of self-help materials Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates provides on their site that you are 18 years or older.
Security Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates endeavors to ensure that your personal information is secure, it is not possible to safeguard against all possible breaches of security. You are advised to ensure that the computer terminal from which you send email and messages from is secure.
It is important to remember that there are limits to privacy with any e-mail sent through the internet. E-mails on the internet can be subject to errors occurring within computer systems, human error, and networks resulting in e-mails or other communications going astray accidentally.
Privacy in transit over the internet cannot be guaranteed. You need to take your own precautions on your personal computer to ensure confidentiality of your private communications as this may be the most likely danger for breaches of privacy. You need to evaluate your own privacy situation with your computer records and may want to print files and delete them off your computer.
Responsibility. You are responsible for your own actions. Any decisions or actions taken remain solely your responsibility, even if you feel they are a result of therapy.
Use of Electronic Communications: You explicitly agree not to forward or copy email messages or other electronic communications from the internet/ video chat to other persons, except in circumstances where this has been agreed in advance by your consultant, and is done with the written consent of your consultant. You may not copy and paste bits of text or use the consultants employed by Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates advice out of context, or pass on the advice to a third party.
Triple Helix Healing & its affiliates are not responsible for Technology failures, contingency planning for disconnections, crashes, and other breakdowns. Differences in technology utilized by the client and consultant. Different levels of experience with web technology.
Confidentiality. Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates may print and keep on your file a copy of the transcripts of sessions. All records are stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy Statement and in the same manner as face-to-face health record-keeping practices. This site will not sell, give or trade your email or personal information to a third party. As in any face-to-face therapy situation, the same procedures would apply in regards to releasing this information.
Limits to Confidentiality Issues of safety for you or others would override the issues of confidentiality. By law any citizen, including helping professionals, have a duty to report situations of child protection or threats of harm to yourself or others. Local child welfare authorities would have to be notified in cases where a child is in need or protection or where there is a likelihood of needing protection. In situations of self-harm or risk of harm toward others, the local police departments would need to be notified. Information may be ordered (through subpoena or court order) for legal purposes or court cases. Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates consultants are also obliged to report to police certain information obtained about the commission or suspected commission of a criminal act.
Client Records Regulatory procedures require practitioners to obtain and securely store client paper records. Likewise, electronic client files and online communications are protected by similar stringent privacy and confidentiality policies.
Modification or Discontinuance Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates exclusively reserves the right to, and may at any time and without notice and any liability to you, modify or discontinue this website and its services or delete the data you provide, whether temporarily or permanently. Triple Helix Healing, and its affiliates has no responsibility or liability for the timeliness, deletion, failure to store, inaccuracy, or improper delivery of any data or information. Withdrawal and Refund You may withdraw from further participation in Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates consulting at any time. However, a refund of your payment for consultations will not be available after you receive a response. Only 50% of the total amount paid for your consultation will be refunded if you choose to withdraw before a response. Please allow up to 60 days for the refund to process.
By continuing usage of this site you agree that you have read the above terms and conditions and are ready to proceed with Triple Helix Healing LLC, and its affiliates services.